Complete Vacation Guide to Labuan Bajo Near Bali Indonesia, Gateway to Komodo National Park

Selasa 30-04-2024, 12:56 WIB

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When researching tours to Komodo National Park, it can be frustrating that many companies don't explicitly state the type of boat used. (Photo by The Curated Travelist)

When researching tours to Komodo National Park, it can be frustrating that many companies don't explicitly state the type of boat used. (Photo by The Curated Travelist) – Nestled on the western tip of Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Labuan Bajo is a town that has blossomed into a popular tourist destination, renowned as the gateway to the world-famous Komodo National Park or Komodo Islands. Once a humble fishing village, Labuan Bajo now beckons travelers with its captivating blend of natural wonders and cultural treasures.

Komodo National Park: A Realm of Prehistoric Giants

The main draw of Labuan Bajo is undoubtedly Komodo National Park (TNK), a UNESCO World Heritage Site that serves as the sanctuary of the iconic Komodo dragons, locally known as Ora.

Adventurous souls can embark on thrilling expeditions to explore islands like Komodo, Rinca, and Padar, where these prehistoric lizards roam freely. Trek through lush rainforests, snorkel or dive amidst vibrant coral reefs, and witness the Komodo dragons in their natural habitat.

Breathtaking Sunsets and Scenic Vistas

Labuan Bajo is renowned for its mesmerizing sunsets, painting the sky with hues of gold, orange, and crimson as the sun dips below the horizon. Capture these breathtaking moments from vantage points like Bukit Cinta (Love Hill), Puncak Amelia, and Puncak Silvia.

Baca Juga:  Viral, Wisatawan Ditelantarkan Agen Travel di Labuan Bajo, Kisahnya Bikin Kapok

Mirror Cave and Rangko Cave: Spelunking Adventures

For cave enthusiasts, Gua Cermin (Mirror Cave) and Gua Rangko offer unique spelunking experiences. Gua Cermin, just 4 kilometers from Labuan Bajo, is named for its reflective rock formations that shimmer like mirrors.

Gua Rangko, on the other hand, unveils a hidden gem – a cave lake with crystal-clear turquoise water illuminated by sunlight streaming through an opening in the cave ceiling.

Cunca Rami and Cunca Wulang Waterfalls: Cascading Delights

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Penulis : Redaksi Tajuk Flores

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Rakernas IKDKI ini akan dilaksanakan di Gedung M, Lt. 8 , Universitas Tarumanagara, Sabtu, 27 Juli 2024. Foto:


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